GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® Beyond the Basics

Frequently Asked Questions about GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS®

Q: How did GYROTONIC® come to be?

A: It was created over the course of many years by Juliu Horvath, who was a ballet dancer that suffered an achilles tendon injury ending his career. After intense study, he began practicing yoga and developed Yoga for Dancers that has since become GYROKINESIS®. He then created The GYROTONIC® Method, designing equipment and exercise programs. Though there are some similarities to yoga, dance, gymnastics, swimming and tai chi, it is not based on these or any other specific exercise models.

Q: Who can do GYROTONIC®
A: GYROTONIC® is appropriate everyone of all ages and all shapes and sizes. The exercises were created to adapt and grow with each person. Anyone experiencing health problems, the elderly, children and pregnant women should consult a doctor before beginning any exercise program.

Q: Can I continue GYROTONIC® or GYROKINESIS® while pregnant?
A: Yes, pregnant women can benefit from it as it prepares your body for many transformations your body will take. It can help you maintain your stamina for exercise while helping you remain flexible throughout the pregnancy and birth. If you are not already doing GYROTONIC® prior to conception, it is not recommended that you start during your pregnancy. However, it is perfect for post-natal recovery regardless of prior experience.

Q: Is GYROTONIC® good for surgery recovery?
A: GYROTONIC® is excellent for surgery recovery, and can play an important role in surgery rehabilitation.  The fluid movements while using GYROTONIC® equipment make it a natural rehabilitation workout for shoulder, knee, hip, back, and other surgeries.

It is important to consult your doctor, surgeon, or physical therapist before beginning a GYROTONIC® training regimen. This will allow your instructor to develop a relationship with them and an exercise program just for you.

Q: What are the health benefits of GYROTONIC®
A: GYROTONIC® can benefit you in many ways:
Core Stability
Core Strength
Increased Muscle Tone
Improved Posture
Increased Flexibility
Spacial Awareness
Improved Mood and Overall Well-being
Improved Balance and Coordination
Injury Prevention

Q: What should I plan on wearing to GYROTONIC® & GYROKINESIS® classes?
A: You should wear clothing that is comfortable. Nothing that is too loose or restrictive. Yoga pants and a slim-fitting T-shirt or tank top are good options. We encourage socks, suggest that long hair be tied back, and ask that you remove any jewelry for safety purposes.

Q: How many times a week should I commit to GYROTONIC®?
A: As often as possible. Two to three times a week is best when your are first starting out.

Q: How long are GYROTONIC® private sessions?
A: Private Sessions are 55 minutes in length.

Q: Can I lose weight with GYROTONIC®?
A: In conjunction with a proper diet, sleep and our exercise program you may lose weight. Mainly, you will notice the loss of inches and changes in your body tone and appearance.

GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® Beyond the Basics

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MotionLab PDX - GYROTONIC and Pilates Studio - Portland, OR