The Seated Man

If you’re like a lot of people, you spend most days of the week sitting at your desk. You sit in your car to drive home, and by the time you finally make it there, you’re so exhausted from sitting that the only thing you feel like doing is…well, sitting down some more. And who can blame you? For the past 50 years, humans have become more and more sedentary as our jobs moved from factories and fields to behind a computer screen. We sit on tailbones which were not designed by nature to sit on, our bodies bent into a C-shaped slump that is extremely harmful to the back. It doesn’t come as that big of a surprise, then, to learn that back pain is one of the most common reason for medical visits in America, accounting for 139 million visits costing over $17.6 billion, according to an article in Medical News Today published in 2008. If you’re one of these people, you should know that relief from lower back pain comes from learning how you are supposed to function, day to day, utilizing a stable trunk. Your upper body and lower body need to learn how to stay together as you lift, work, and carry things- even as you sit. GYROTONIC® teaches you how to use your inner abdominal muscles to achieve a stable trunk. It utilizes force-expiration breathing to achieve a body stabilizing abdominal contraction, allowing instant access to a stable trunk. This is one of the most effective ways to protect the back during the damaging rigors of everyday life. All of the GYROTONIC® movements are based on seven basic ways to move the spine. The movements involve arching the torso backward and curl forward, bending your sides right and left, and twisting from side to side in a wave-like forward arch which rounds the back vertebra by vertebra. Taking care of your body is a necessity, not a luxury. Although there are practically an infinite amount of exercise regimes to choose from, GYROTONIC® has exclusive benefits to help you improve your spinal health, and it’s never too late for you to start. I am pleased to have Caitlin Loughran as a contributor for this blog

The Seated Man

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MotionLab PDX - GYROTONIC and Pilates Studio - Portland, OR