“GYROTONIC® is Like a Vitamin for My Body.”


Meet CRISTINA YEN, founder and an owner of A Yen for Chocolate.



We are very fortunate to have Cristina coming to motionlab pdx so our clients can experience Cristina’s passion for perfect chocolate.

We interviewed her on her experience at motionlab pdx and what she thinks of the GYROTONIC® Method. Check it out!


         motionlab pdx: Cristina, you decided to try the GYROTONIC® Method because you have some back problems, is this correct?

Cristina: Yes, for the longest time I can remember. I would say in my earlier teen years; I felt back pain, especially waking up in the morning. I guess when I was young, when I was a teenager, I was really scarred of my mom, so I never wanted to tell her when I was sick (She laughs. So, I never addressed this issue, until 5 years ago, when the back pain started to feel more and more unbearable.

My mom had always criticized me that I don’t have a good posture, I don’t stand up straight. I wondered if maybe this is a reason for my back pain… I noticed that whenever I woke up it took the time from getting out from my bed and walking to my bathroom, that length of time, to straighten up. In the mornings, I was hunched and my back felt stiff and typical exercise that you can get in the gym was good, from the sense of burning calories; but it wasn’t until I started to take yoga and Pilates that I felt it had helped my back to feel better.

         motionlab pdx: How did you find the GYROTONIC® Method?

Cristina: Few years ago I did a Groupon at the other place and I felt that it helped. I did enjoy it, but it was a Groupon … when the deal was gone, I just never came back. I didn’t develop a bond with the people there, even though I enjoyed the exercise.

My real journey with GYROTONIC® started here at motionlab pdx. The experience of moving in 3D as opposed to a two dimensional way of exercising really perked my interest!

        motionlab pdx: So, you have tried a few sessions…

Cristina: More than a few by now…

         motionlab pdx: Did you notice any improvements? How does your spine feel after a session?

Cristina: I found that GYROTONIC® was like a little box of surprises.

I thought that I was coming to GYROTONIC® because I could not find an answer as why my back hurts, so I wanted to give it a try. Once I started to try…  What I noticed first was how stiff and tight I was not only in my low back, everywhere. As our sessions progressed, I learned that there is a proper way to move, there is certain way to engage a proper muscle to do certain thing; Like walking, standing, sitting, how to raise your arms.

GYROTONIC® taught me to be mindful about how to move.

That to me was very very surprising. The importance not only to move to burn calories or look toned, but how to move. I never thought about it before.

I have being doing GYROTONIC® at motionlab pdx for about a year and I keep coming back for more because I keep learning things about my body. I have never ever even thought of going back to the regular gym.

What I really like about GYROTONIC® is that, GYROTONIC® is like a vitamin for my body.

Going to the gym to me is like having a power bar. You are hungry, you don’t have anything to eat, so you eat a power bar so you have enough protein, enough sugar, enough carbs to get you through next 2 or 3 hours and then you crashed again.

To me GYROTONIC® is more sustainable way of moving, it is like an investment. You are moving so you are putting back the nourishment that your body needs. So, your body can move sustainably all way to your old age. It is how I see it, it is how I feel.

“GYROTONIC® is Like a Vitamin for My Body.”
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MotionLab PDX - GYROTONIC and Pilates Studio - Portland, OR