Take Your Fitness to the Next Level this Season!

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All athletes want to be injury free and enhance performance, teens are not any different. But the pressure to focus on one sport and to excel at it year-round can result in using the same muscle groups day after day. Especially during its season, there is often very little time to rest and recover, let alone to get stronger or work preventing injury. One way to address these issues is to add GYROTONIC®, GYROKINESIS®, or Pilates to your teen or teams training program.

A GYROTONIC® program can fill the gap for teenage athletes by introducing them to basic principles (the natural circular motion of the body), this can start improving alignment, conditioning body and mind, and help protect against injury.

Since the most frequently reported changes in the body include postural improvement and alignment awareness. GYROTONIC® Method offers a profound sense of stability and strength in the low back, created partially by its focus on abdominal and core strength. For most athletes the result is decreased incidence of sports related injury and better balance and coordination.Image 1

This means that you are helping teenagers to not only play better now, but to also ultimately have less injury that could haunt them in the future.
GYROTONIC®, GYROKINESIS®, and Pilates stem from natural body movements that you will feel strengthening your muscles immediately.
motionlab pdx offers private, semi-private, or group sessions and we can work with individual team members, a few team members, or the entire team. A team that does GYROTONIC® together, stays strong to defeat the competition together.

Play stronger, longer!

Schedule a time to come in and let us help you train your body and mind in time for game day!

Take Your Fitness to the Next Level this Season!

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MotionLab PDX - GYROTONIC and Pilates Studio - Portland, OR